
Drinks - quick and easy recipes - page 25

377 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Drinks. Check out one of our great 377 recipes. The preparation time is 2 - 20160 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe. If you need help choosing, we recommend Easy homemade Ginger shot recipe, Banana and oatmeal protein shake recipe, The best homemade smoothie bowl recipe, How to make a fruit smoothie at home?. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

Recipe preview Piña colada recipe
Photo recipe

Piña colada recipe

Freezing fresh pineapple definitely makes the best impact flavor-wise in this piña colada recipe. This is the easy piña colada recipe guide that will ultimately explode your tastebuds.
Recipe preview Original Long Island iced tea recipe

Original Long Island iced tea recipe

This original iced tea cocktail was first served at the Oak Beach Inn on Long Island. It contains up to five alcoholic drinks, but its flavour is based on the mix of the liqueurs, not their strength. Despite its name, the only thing that is tea-like about

How to make the Best Mojito - Cocktail Recipe

The following method is based on the recipe from La Bodeguita del Medio; the Cuban bar infamous for making amazing Mojito's since around 1942.

An easy way to make coctail margarita

One of the cocktail recipes that you can count on!