Source: Youtube

VIDEORECIPE Easy homemade Bombe Alaska recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Bombe Alaska. Don't miss it!



number of servings

Chocolate sponge cake

  • 6 egg Added to
  • 112 Cup wheat Added to
  • 114 Cup sugar Added to
  • 1 tablespoon yeast Added to
  • 14 Cup lukewarm milk Added to
  • 80 g powdered chocolate cocoa Added to

Belgian vanilla and chocolate cream

  • 600 g condensed milk Added to
  • 30 g maize starch Added to
  • 300 g milk Added to
  • 3 sifted egg yolks Added to
  • 300 g heavy cream Added to
  • 3 spoon vanilla essence Added to
  • 75 g semi sweet chocolate Added to

Almond praline

  • 1 Cup toasted almonds Added to
  • 1 spoon sugar Added to
  • 13 spoon water Added to


  • 5 egg whites Added to
  • 200 g icing sugar Added to


180 min.
1. Step

In the mixer, beat the eggs until they double in volume. Add the sugar and continue beating until it forms a white fluffy cream.

2. Step

Add the wheat, baking powder and sieved chocolate powder, alternating with the warm milk until everything is mixed together.

3. Step

Transfer the dough to a baking pan lined with baking paper on the bottom. Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for about 1 hour.

4. Step

To prepare the creams, mix all the ingredients (except the chocolate) in a pan and heat, stirring constantly until it boils. When it boils, leave it on low heat and continue stirring until it thickens well. Turn off the heat.

5. Step

Place half the cream in a dish and cover it with plastic wrap. In the other half, add the chopped chocolate and stir until completely melted, transfer to another dish and cover.

6. Step

For the pralines, heat the sugar and the water in a pan. Stir until combined and leave it to stand until it caramelizes.

7. Step

Turn off and mix in the almonds. Then, transfer the mixture to a buttered dish. When cool, crush them.

8. Step

For the marshmallow, place the egg whites and the sugar in a pan over low heat and stir until the sugar melts.

9. Step

Transfer to a mixer and beat at high speed until firm. Set aside.

10. Step

For assembling the Bombe Alaska, first cut a disk of sponge cake the size of the opening of the bowl to be used and set aside. Line the bowl with plastic wrap, leaving some leftovers.

11. Step

Add the Belgian chocolate cream to up to half of the bowl.

12. Step

Add the titrated praline. Complete the rest of the bowl with the vanilla Belgian cream, leaving room for the sponge cake.

13. Step

Place the disc of the sponge covering the bowl and close it with the film paper.

14. Step

Take it to the freezer until the creams are very firm. Unmold the Bombe Alaska by pulling the paper film over the serving dish.

15. Step

Using a piping bag or spoon, cover the dessert with the marshmallow. Then, toast the marshmallow with the aid of a blowtorch and serve.

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