Fake Cracklings Buns

VIDEORECIPE Fake Cracklings Buns

Amazingly delicious salty pastry, which is tasty alone but also as a side dish to soup 🙂



number of servings


  • 400 g Fine wheat flour Added to
  • 400 g Semi-coarse wheat flour Added to
  • 450 ml milk Added to
  • 100 g white Greek yogurt Added to
  • 1 Yolk Added to
  • 2 tablespoon confectionery sugar Added to
  • 1 tablespoon salt Added to
  • 1 tablespoon October 20 Added to
  • 25 g fresh yeast Added to
  • 2 tablespoon oil Added to

We still need

  • 200 g Yes, I applied the chicken ointment Added to
  • 200 g Ground walnuts Added to


45 min.
1. Step

From the given ingredients, we will prepare a semi-soft dough, which we will let rise for 45 minutes.

2. Step

While our dough is rising, let's prepare our filling. For this, we need lard and crushed nuts. I used chicken lard, but everyone can use whichever they prefer according to their taste. Finally, just mix the lard and nuts. I didn't salt the filling, I salted later when the dough was already spread.

3. Step

We roll out the leavened dough into a large circle, smear the filling, add salt and fold the dough just like we would for scones. Between the folding, we smear those parts of the dough where there is no filling to achieve that nice layering. Finally, we leave the folded dough to rest only until our oven heats up to 190°C

4. Step

Next, roll out the dough to a thickness of 2cm and cut out the buns using a glass or a cutter. The glass needs to be always dipped into flour, it cuts out more beautifully and easily. Place the buns on a baking tray with baking paper, brush with an egg and put immediately into the oven. Bake for approx. 20 minutes until nicely brown.

Fake Cracklings Buns - preparation step 1
5. Step

Baked pagachs are fragrant, light, and beautifully layered :-) They are soft on the inside and gently crispy on the outside. I really like these pagachs, they have an amazing taste! Enjoy your meal!

Fake Cracklings Buns - preparation step 1
6. Step

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