Source: Oksana_Schmidt via iStockPhotos

Quince jelly according to grandma's recipe

I love to offer my family and friends this quince jelly from grandma's recipe. It is aromatic, sweet and always reminds me of the warm and cozy afternoons at my grandma's house. It always involves a little patience, but the result is worth it every time!



number of servings
  • 2 kg quince Added to
  • 2 l water Added to
  • 1 kg sugar Added to
  • 2 squeezed lemons Added to


120 min.
1. Step

To recreate the quince jelly recipe, first wash the quinces thoroughly to remove the fuzz. Then cut into rough pieces - do not remove the core and stems, they give the jelly a natural pectin filling, which is needed for gelling.

2. Step

Place the quince pieces in a large pot along with the water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer the quinces for about 2 hours until they are soft. Stir regularly during this process to prevent burning.

3. Step

Now strain the soft quinces through a cloth into a bowl. Important: Do not squeeze the quinces, as this could cloud the jelly. Then cover the bowl and leave it in a cool place overnight.

4. Step

The next day, measure the juice and put it in a saucepan with the sugar and lemon juice. Boil the mixture, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the jelly has reached the desired consistency. A tip: Pour a small amount of the jelly onto a cold plate and let it cool to check if it gels.

5. Step

Fill the finished quince jelly according to grandma's recipe into sterilized jars while still hot and seal immediately. Invert and allow to cool completely so that a vacuum forms.

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