The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch

VIDEORECIPE The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch

How to make simple but delicious pancakes from scratch, my family's favorite easy recipe! This pancake recipe yields incredibly light and fluffy pancakes.



number of servings
  • 223 cups all-purpose or cake flour Added to
  • 2 tablespoon baking soda Added to
  • 13 Cup white sugar Added to
  • 1 teaspoon salt Added to
  • 2 cups milk Added to
  • 2 egg Added to
  • 6 tablespoon melted butter Added to
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla Added to

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10 min.
1. Step

In a medium bowl or a large 16 cup capacity liquid measuring cup, whisk together the flour, baking powder, white sugar and salt.

The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

2. Step

In another large capacity liquid measuring cup, combine 2 ½ cups of milk, eggs, oil and vanilla. Mix until combined. If you need to, add more milk until the batter reaches desired consistency.

The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

3. Step

Make a well in the dry ingredients, and pour the egg mixture in. Whisk together until the batter is smooth with only a few flour chunks - it doesn't have to be completely smooth.

The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

4. Step

If you have a griddle start it heating now on medium heat. I have a cast iron one that I adore, but it takes a while for it to heat up uniformly. If not, heat the largest pan that you have.To make the pancakes I use a muffin batter scoop, which is called a #8 disher scoop. This is one of my favourite kitchen hacks, that scoop! It measures out muffins, pancakes, extra large cookies, you name it!

The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

5. Step

Take one scoop of batter and pour onto your already heated griddle, fitting on as many as you can at once. Flip your pancakes when they are slightly bubbled on the surface and golden brown underneath. The key is a medium heat that is ready and raring to go, so they instantly sizzle when you place them on the surface, but not so hot they burn.

The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

6. Step

Continue to cook all of the batter, placing cooked pancakes on a covered plate when cooked.

The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

7. Step

Serve with my Homemade Brown Sugar Sauce.

The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

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The BEST Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch

How to make simple but delicious pancakes from scratch, my family's favorite easy recipe! This pancake recipe yields incredibly light and fluffy pancakes.

Number of servings
1. Step

In a medium bowl or a large 16 cup capacity liquid measuring cup, whisk together the flour, baking powder, white sugar and salt.

2. Step

In another large capacity liquid measuring cup, combine 2 ½ cups of milk, eggs, oil and vanilla. Mix until combined. If you need to, add more milk until the batter reaches desired consistency.

3. Step

Make a well in the dry ingredients, and pour the egg mixture in. Whisk together until the batter is smooth with only a few flour chunks - it doesn't have to be completely smooth.

4. Step

If you have a griddle start it heating now on medium heat. I have a cast iron one that I adore, but it takes a while for it to heat up uniformly. If not, heat the largest pan that you have.To make the pancakes I use a muffin batter scoop, which is called a #8 disher scoop. This is one of my favourite kitchen hacks, that scoop! It measures out muffins, pancakes, extra large cookies, you name it!

5. Step

Take one scoop of batter and pour onto your already heated griddle, fitting on as many as you can at once. Flip your pancakes when they are slightly bubbled on the surface and golden brown underneath. The key is a medium heat that is ready and raring to go, so they instantly sizzle when you place them on the surface, but not so hot they burn.

6. Step

Continue to cook all of the batter, placing cooked pancakes on a covered plate when cooked.

7. Step

Serve with my Homemade Brown Sugar Sauce.

223 cups
all-purpose or cake flour
2 tablespoon
baking soda
13 Cup
white sugar
1 teaspoon
cups milk
6 tablespoon
melted butter
1 teaspoon