Source: Freepik

Microwave Christmas Pudding

Despite being prepared in a microwave, the flavour and texture remain rich and indulgent in this recipe, just as a traditional Christmas pudding should.



number of servings
  • 100 g softened unsalted butter plus extra for greasing Added to
  • 100 g Dark Brown Sugar Added to
  • 2 large eggs Added to
  • 100 g self-raising flour Added to
  • 112 spoon mixed spice (cinnamon, nutmeg ginger) Added to
  • 250 g mixed dried fruit Added to
  • 50 ml brandy Added to
  • Zest of one orange Added to
  • 2 tablespoon treacle Added to
  • Edible holly for decoration (Optional) Added to


28 min.
1. Step

Begin with a large microwave-safe bowl then cream together the butter and dark brown sugar until fluffy. This might seem like a little too much effort, but the more you cream the butter and sugar, the fluffier your pudding will be.

2. Step

Gradually add the eggs into the mixture, beating well after each addition. Be careful not to rush this step, as adding the eggs too quickly may cause your mixture to curdle.

3. Step

Sieve the self-raising flour and mixed spice into the bowl. Stir gently until it's just combined. Again avoid over mixing as it can make the pudding tough.

4. Step

Next, stir in the mixed dried fruit, brandy, orange zest and treacle. By adding the brandy and treacle last, you ensure these flavors don't get lost during mixing.

5. Step

Grease a 1.5L microwave-safe pudding bowl and pour in the mixture. With experience, I have learned to leave about an inch from the top as this pudding can rise a lot.

6. Step

Cover the bowl with a microwave-safe plate and cook at 600W for 8 minutes in the microwave. Be sure to monitor the pudding as microwaves vary and you don't want to overcook it.

7. Step

Let the pudding rest for 5 minutes before turning out onto a serving dish. The resting time allows the pudding to firm up slightly and makes it easier to remove from the bowl.

8. Step

Lastly, decorate your pudding with edible holly right before serving. This is purely optional but adds a classic festive touch.

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