Preview of Breakfast for children

Breakfast for children - quick and easy recipes - page 11

255 recipes

Best recipe ideas from the category Breakfast for children all in one place! Check out one of our great 255 recipes. These recipes will take about 5 - 260 minutes to prepare. In addition to the ingredients and procedure, each recipe includes an approximate preparation time and number of portions. See our favorite recipes here - How to make Montecristo gourmet sandwiches?, Traditional gingerbread recipe, How To Make Glazed Donuts, The most delicious chocolate brownies recipe - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe preview Traditional Otai smoothie recipe

Traditional Otai smoothie recipe

Otai is a traditional smoothie of Polynesian cuisine. Learn here how to make fresh Otai at home. Don't miss it!
Recipe preview Best homemade crinkle cookies recipe

Best homemade crinkle cookies recipe

Crinkle cookies are tasty, crunchy and the best option for tea. With this easy recipe, learn how to make the best homemade crinkle cookies. Don't miss it!

Italian recipe for crunchy and delicious milk cookies

This Italian recipe for milk cookies is great! By following it, you'll learn how to make crunchy and delicious milk cookies.

The best homemade rhubarb and strawberry jam recipe

Jam is a must in each house! That's why you should try this wonderful recipe. Learn here how to make this easy homemade rhubarb jam.

Homemade American moon pie recipe

This Southern American dessert is loved by everyone. Learn here how to make homemade moon pie, just by following this simple recipe. Enjoy!
Recipe preview Banana and chocolate thick shake recipe

Banana and chocolate thick shake recipe

Fresh, delicious and thick. This shake has everything! By following this recipe, learn how to make the best banana and chocolate thick shake.

Easy fruit kebabs recipe with homemade yoghurt

Eating fruits is always good for your body. Now, fruit kebabs are a new way to enjoy your favourite fruits. It's healthy, fresh and delicious. With this recipe, learn how to make fruit kebabs with homemade yoghurt.
Recipe preview Healthy sugar-free mulberry jam recipe

Healthy sugar-free mulberry jam recipe

Being a sweet tooth can be also healthy, this delicious sugar-free mulberry jam proves it! Learn how to make it by following this easy recipe.
Recipe preview Fluffy and moist Asian mango and kiwi pancakes recipe

Fluffy and moist Asian mango and kiwi pancakes recipe

Asian pancakes are fantastic! With this easy recipe learn how to make the best Asian mango and kiwi pancakes, the fluffiest and tastiest ever.

Halloween gluten-free chocolate spider recipe

Looking for the perfect Halloween snack? Chocolate spider is the best option! With this easy recipe, learn how to make gluten-free chocolate spiders at home.
Recipe preview Homemade English flapjack bars recipe

Homemade English flapjack bars recipe

English flackjap is the best energy bar ever! With this easy recipe, learn how to make homemade flapjack bars.
Recipe preview How to make Montecristo gourmet sandwiches?

How to make Montecristo gourmet sandwiches?

Having gourmet sandwiches at home it's possible! Montecristo sandwich recipe is similar to the French croque-monsieur sandwich, full of tastes and delicious. Learn how to make it by yourself!
Recipe preview The best roasted pumpkin seeds recipe

The best roasted pumpkin seeds recipe

Roasted pumpkin seeds are the best healthy snack With this easy recipe, learn how to make them. Don't miss it!
Recipe preview Crunchy and tasty garibaldi biscuits recipe

Crunchy and tasty garibaldi biscuits recipe

Garibaldi biscuits are typical of English cuisine. With this easy recipe learn how to make crunchy and tasty garibaldi biscuits. Don't miss it!
Recipe preview Healthy smoked salmon sandwich with fresh cheese, avocado and broccoli hummus

Healthy smoked salmon sandwich with fresh cheese, avocado and broccoli hummus

Salmon is good in all dishes and presentations! With this easy recipe, learn how to make a homemade smoked salmon sandwich. You will love it!
Recipe preview How to make crispy bacon in the microwave?

How to make crispy bacon in the microwave?

It seems impossible but is easy and quick to cook bacon in the microwave. Find out here how to make crispy bacon in the microwave just by following this easy recipe.