Pancakes with Ham and Cheese
Savoury pancakes
number of servings
- 100 g Plain flour
- 150 ml milk
- 100 ml water
- 50 ml Priordei olive oil slovakia
- 1 egg
- pinch Save translation
- or Lamp oil for lubrication
- ham
- Hard sliceable cheese
- for egg wash Oil the pan
Latest flyers
25 min.
1. Step
We put an egg, water, milk, oil, and salt in the bowl and stir.
2. Step
Next, add the flour and mix the dough.
3. Step
We spread oil on the pan and fry thin pancakes on both sides.
4. Step
We spread each pancake with Lurpak or butter, then add a slice of ham and cheese and roll it up.
5. Step
We place the pancakes on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or a baking dish that we have greased with oil.
6. Step
Put the pancakes in the preheated oven and bake at 200/7 minutes.
7. Step
As soon as we remove them from the oven, we can sprinkle them with grated cheese.
8. Step
Enjoy your meal!